Type A Technology offers a variety of cloud computing services to help you scale your business and reduce capital spending in technology. We help you plan, design and migrate to Office 365, Azure and AWS.

BACKUPS, RECOVERY and business continuity

Do you know your data is protected? Data is the precious for any organization and losing can have serious consequences. Loss of productivity for employees, unhappy customers and inability to restore operations for an extended period are just a few of them. We backup your critical company data but we do not stop there. We create a full disaster recovery and business continuity plan for you to get back in business quickly, no matter how serious the disaster.


No issue can threaten the well-being of a firm more than falling victim to a data breach or theft of confidential customer information. Type A Technology offers solutions that protect you and your customers from malicious activity that can bring down your business. With our layered security approach we can address all areas of potential vulnerability.


Are you still putting out fires when it comes to your IT problems? When your business depends on your IT, you cannot afford to wait until a problem appears and then fix it. You need proactive IT services that identify problems before they disrupt your business. We monitor, manage and assess your IT performance 24/7. This means we will maintain your network uptime, provide helpdesk to your users and keep your business running.

technology support

Do your users prefer MAC to Windows? Does Google Drive fit your business needs better than Microsoft Office 365? Type A Technology will support whichever technology helps your business operate at its best.

VOICE, data and video SOLUTIONS

Type A Technology offers a full scope of telecom and Internet services. We analyze your current Internet and phone providers and often can recommend a better service at a lower price. We offer hosted and on-premise VoIP phone systems, video-conferencing solutions, redundant phone and Internet configurations to avoid downtime.